Member since 1998.
oomm.. been in Parallax (Amiga) (mostly dead right now and in future as well I guess), Ksylitol, Mystic (background member mostly) + plus some own & less own small productions.I've done small stuff to quite many demos, but the bigger projects have been Zif by Parallax (winner of Assembly'95 Amiga demo competition), Pygmy vs. Parallax (was meant to come in Assembly'96 but laziness won) and so on. Also I was doing Masstransit to Abduction'97 with Suckho but it never came out.
I've been in scene since 1993 or 1994, though I've been quite silent or dormant now and then. Not the most active always, and need kicking to go on. Very peaceful person, which can be seen in by being and musical taste (ambient) and actually in everything.
Official discography:Hyperventilation, 1998, graphics & design, 2nd place in Remedy'98.
Sexadelic -demo, 1998, graphics & design, 4th place in Assembly'98 .
E-Mail: sima@ellu.vaala.fi
IRCnick = miStral
Homepage: -